Monday, January 16, 2012

Future Plans

I've been watching my cat Ollie and our dog Oscar grow up together for a couple of years now. We brought them home within a week of each other and they were both about 8 weeks old. They have quite a dynamic relationship and they love each other very much. But they do go at it and I've had this idea to start filming them (and with my new phone, I can!) and create a YouTube channel called "The Ollie and Oscar Show". Since I haven't yet bothered to set up a YouTube channel and I don't have that many segments and I don't have any video editing software, I'm going to debut one of the pieces I've shot with no editing here! Enjoy!

The Ollie and Oscar Show, Episode 1: Smackdown

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Oh, and I'm still teaching....

Enameling- Beginning to Advanced at the Mesa Arts Center
Wednesdays 6-9pm starting January 18- May 9! 16 weeks.

Some enameling samples, from L-R:
Raku, cloisonne, painting and sgraffito/carving/sifting
Enameling: Introduction to Advanced
Instructor: Jewel Clark
  • Enameling is the ancient art of fusing ground colored glass to a metal surface.
  • Please visit for a detailed explanation if you would like to learn more about the process.
  • Students will learn the basics of enameling: metal prep, sifting, enamel chemistry, and firing.
  • Specific techniques include: stencils, wet-packing, raku, basse-taille and more, such as cloisonne, foil, separation and crackle, as the pace of the class allows.
  • This class is designed to give the beginning student a strong foundation in enamel techniques.
  • Returning students may sit in on lectures and/ or work on their own projects with access to instructor help.
  • Make sure our registrar has your email address for contact by instructor prior to the class.
  • No class Nov 23
Download the Materials List (pdf)
Classroom: Lapidary Studio
ages 16 and older /16 weeks

CAW12JE005-01 W Jan 18- May 9 6- 9pm $278R $333NR


So.... it's been a while.....

Well, well, well. It's been a long and busy winter. I have done almost no art. On top of a very busy work and freelance schedule I've been recovering from an upper respiratory infection and I found out the excruciating pain in my back is being caused by a compressed disc in my back. Not the kind of thing one wants to hear at my age. I've done some graphic work for the MAC Artist's Cooperative Store- a rack card, and I'm about to submit designs for window cling.

This is the front and back of the rack card. I will hopefully have that done tonight and then I've got websites to start working on! I'm pretty excited about those because they are for some really neat people so if I don't get any other artwork done for me, I'll at least have fun working for them :-)